In this virtual training program you will receive a certificate as a Certified Minimalist Declutter Coach (CMDC). The only two options with international recognition in the declutter and organizing industry are: KonMari Consultant from Marie Kondo or Certified Professional Organizer from Napo. If you love the philosophy of minimalism – more than the rather emotional method of Marie Kondo, you are in the right place here. This virtual become a Certified Minimalist Declutter Coach (CDMC) is based on classic declutter and organizing techniques (according to Napo) and proven minimalism techniques that you can only learn here in this program. If you don’t want to invest at least two years and a lot of money (which you have to do for the Napo or KonMari training), but need practical knowledge and step-by-step instructions on how to to work soon as a Minimalist Declutter Coach, you won’t find anything better than this program. Register now for the virtual training course for the Certified Declutter Minimalist Coach (CDMC). Requirements: Flair for decluttering, tidying up and organizing and a basic understanding of the minimalism concept.


Certified Declutter Minimalist Coach

Virtual (100% online) course to become a Certified Declutter Minimalist Coach (CDMC) with everything you need to know to help others declutter their lives the minimalism way. Learn from home or wherever you are.

Virtual coach training program

Having just a knack for tidying up and organizing is not enough to effectively support others. In this online course, you will learn all the necessary tools, tips and tricks to be able to carry out the demanding job of a decluttering coach.

Declutter Minimalist Certification prizing

The knowledge is specifically delivered through one-on-one instructions with Switzerlands most famous Minimalist and tailored to your level of understanding. Sign up with the button below for more information on the pricing.

Declutter Minimalist Coach Certification - inform or register

Your teacher for the “Certification Declutter Minimalist Coach” is Selim Tolga. Selim Tolga is Certified Professional Organizer according to Napo and Professional Certified Coach according to ICF and Switzerlands most famous Minimalist & Declutter Coach, 20 years in the business. When you request for more information give some background info about yourself and why you think you are suitable becoming a declutter minimalist coach!